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Wiss. Mitarbeiterin
Dr. Bettina Burger
Gebäude: 23.21
Etage/Raum: 01.055
+49 211 81-12210
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Dienstags arbeitet Bettina Burger in

  • Anglophone Literaturen und Kulturen
  • Postkoloniale Theorie
  • Fantasy-Literatur, Speculative Fiction und Science Fiction
  • Kinder- und YA-Literatur
  • Gender Studies und Queer Studies
  • Schottische Literatur
  • Australische Literatur
  • Populärliteratur und -kultur
  • Graphic Novels und Comics
  • From Translation to Publication: Veröffentlichung einer bilingualen Kurzgeschichtensammlung "Terra Australis - (Post)koloniale Erzählungen aus Australien)"
  • Abgeschlossene Promotion, Veröffentlichung geplant als: „Fantasy in the World and the World in Fantasy - Global Networks and Local Realities of Fantasy World Literature“
  • Forschung an Australian Speculative Fiction sowie Wissenschaftskommunikation durch Podcast und Youtube-Channel
  • Mitarbeit am Australian Studies Online Projekt: Konzeption eines innovativen Verbundstudiengangs
  • Summer School 2023: Translating Comics, Graphic Novels and Video Games


  • “Gas Masks, Saris, and Waistcoats: Culture and Costume Design in the Watermill Lord of the Rings: A Musical Tale Production” Journal of Fantasy Art and Studies 16 (2024): 132-143.

  • “Warrior Monks, Sentient Robots, and Plant People. Queerness in Australian Speculative Fiction in the 21st Century.“ Australian Studies Journal 37 (2023): 77-95.

  • (mit Lucas Mattila), "“Connections light up across time and space”—Detectives in the Magical Realist Web of Female Relationships in Catching Teller Crow." Journal of Science Fiction 5.2 (2022): 19-35.
  •  “Introduction: Always Australian, Often Female, and Sometimes Queer." Gender Forum. No. 81. 2021.
  • "“All Life Matters, or None Does”: Connecting Human and Nonhuman Worlds in Ambelin Kwaymullina’s The Tribe Series." Nonhuman Agencies in the Twenty-First-Century Anglophone Novel. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2021. 297-316.
  • “Xu Daozhi, Indigenous Cultural Capital: Postcolonial Narratives in Australian Children’s Literature (Review).” Gesellschaft für Australienstudien 33/34 (2019/2020): 164-166. DOI: 10.35515/zfa/asj.3334/201920.11
  • “Math and magic: Nnedi Okorafor’s Binti trilogy and its challenge to the dominance of Western science in science fiction.” Critical Studies in Media Communication 37.4 (2020): 364-377. DOI: 10.1080/15295036.2020.1820540
  • “Bettina Burger über Nicholas B. Miller: John Millar and the Scottish Enlightenment – Family Life and World History (2018).” Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Erforschung des achtzehnen Jahrhunderts 42.2 (2018): 332-335.
  • "Bantam." The Literary Encyclopedia. Veröffentlicht am 9. Juli 2019. In: https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=38874 [aufgerufen am 29. Oktober 2019].
  • "Bronte poetry cycle." The Literary Encyclopedia. Veröffentlicht am 5. Juli 2019. In: https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=38873 [aufgerufen am 29. Oktober 2019].
  • "Is Elizabeth Bennet really a heroine for our time?“ Pride and Prejudice 2.0. Interpretations, Adaptations and Transformations of Jane Austen’s Classic. Hrsg. Hanne Birk und Marion Gymnich. Bonn University Press, 2015: 303-310.

Beiträge in Büchern

  • “Invasive Stories? European Traditions and (White) Australian Fantasies.” In Fantasy Literature: A Companion, edited by Matthew J. Elder and C. Palmer-Patel. Peter Lang, forthcoming.

  • “Participation in Possible Futures – Technology in Aboriginal Australian Speculative Fiction.” In Participation in Postcolonial Worlds, edited by Christina Slopek and Miriam Hinz, forthcoming.

  • (mit Lucas Mattila), “The EcoGhost: Environmental Hauntings in the Australian Gothic” In Anthropocene Gothic, edited by Tony Alcalá and Aurora Pineiro. Palgrave, forthcoming.

  • (mit Lucas Mattila), “The Asian Anglophone Family Novel: Intergenerational Life Writing in Min Jin Lee’s Pachinko.” In The Asian Family in Literature and Film. Challenges and Contestations-South Asia, Southeast Asia and Asian Diaspora, Volume II, edited by Bernard Wilson and Sharifah Aishah Osman. Springer, 2024, 115-136.

  •  (mit Gillian Polack), “Jewish Speculative Fiction in Australia and New Zealand.” In Jewish Fantasy Worldwide: Trends in Speculative Stories from Australia to Chile, edited by Valerie Estelle Frankel. Roman & Littlefield, 2023.

  • (mit Yvonne Liebermann und Judith Rahn), “Introduction.” In Nonhuman Agency in the 21st Century Anglophone Novel, edited by Bettina Burger, Yvonne Liebermann und Judith Rahn. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.

  • “Their Primitive Superstition vs. Our Scientific and Enlightened Magic – Magic Systems in T.L. Huchu’s Edinburgh Nights series” Gifcon (Glasgow University, 15-17 May 2024).

  • "“No choice but to fly inhumanly well” – The Future of Indigenous Mobilities in Claire G. Coleman’s Apocalyptic Narratives.“  Australian Mobilities (Universität Duisburg-Essen, 19-22 October 2023).

  • “Participation in Possible Futures – Technology in Aboriginal Australian Speculative Fiction.” Participation in Postcolonial Wor(l)ds (Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, 29 September-1 October 2022).
  • “Warrior Monks, Sentient Robots, and Plant People: Queerness in Australian Speculative Fiction, Keynote.” Early Career Research in Australian Studies Workshop (University of Cologne, 16-17 September 2022).
  • “Floating Cities and the NHS Waiting List – Escape, Recovery, and the End of Linear History in Mary Hoffman’s Stravaganza series.” Once and Future Fantasies Conference (University of Glasgow, 13-17 July 2022).
  • “Hope, Despair, and a Fairy’s Tales in Gillian Polack’s The Time of the Ghosts.” Finncon 2022 (Aalto University, Espoo, 8-10 July 2022).
  • “From Trickster to Villain to LGBT icon – Loki God(dess) of Mischief and Stories Across Media.” GIFCon 2022: Fantasy Across Media (University of Glasgow, 28-30 April 2022).
  • ““I will give you a story” – Oral Storytelling and Black Leopard Red Wolf’s Multivocal Fantasy Quest.” GIFCon 2021: Beyond the Anglocentric Fantastic (University of Glasgow, 28-30 April 2021).
  • “Catherine Johnson’s Curious Tales: Narrating Black British Lives in the 18th Century Through Children’s Literature.” Das 18. Jahrhundert in Film und Populärkultur. (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, 3 October 2019).
  • “Maths and Magic – Nnedi Okorafor’s Binti and Its Challenge to the Dominance of Western Science in Science Fiction.” 7th Biennial Afroeuropeans Network Conference*: Black Invisibilities Contested. Special Panel Afrofuturism – Making Black Futures Visible. (ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, 4-6 July 2019).
  • “A Most Accurate Way of Describing Reality – Breaking Boundaries in Nnedi Okorafor’s Organic Fantasy Tales.” Glasgow International Fantasy Conversations: GIFCon 2019. (University of Glasgow, 23-24 May 2019).
  • “Putting Supernatural Children in Detention Centres – Ambelin Kwaymullina’s Portrayal of Australian Migrant and Refugee Policies Through a Fantasy Lens.” Australian Perspectives on Migration. 16th Biennial Conference of GASt. (Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, 4-6 October 2018).
  • “Conversing with the Past - Jackie Kay’s Poetry at the Brontë Parsonage Museum.” On Whose Terms? Ten Years On: Critical Negotiations in Black British Literature and the Arts. (Goldsmiths University London, 22 March 2018).
  • „The Neverending Cycle of Hate and Fear in Robin Hobb’s Farseer Trilogy.“ Fear and Loathing in Fantasy & Folklore. (University of Edinburgh, 19-20 January 2017).
  • „Is Elizabeth Bennet really a heroine for our time?“ Pride & Prejudice 2.0 - Celebrating the Bicentenary of Jane Austen's most Popular Novel. (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, 5-6 December 2013).

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