(2023) Memory and Latency in Contemporary Anglophone Literature. De Gruyter.
(2021) „Introduction: Narrating the Nonhuman.” Nonhuman Agencies in the Twenty-First-Century Anglophone Novel. Hgs. Yvonne Liebermann, Judith Rahn und Bettina Burger. Palgrave Macmillan, 1–24. [mit Judith Rahn und Bettina Burger]
(2021) „The Climate Crisis and Affective Nonhuman Encounters: Ali Smith’s Autumn (2016) and Jon McGregor’s Reservoir 13 (2017).” Nonhuman Agencies in the Twenty-First-Century Anglophone Novel. Hgs. Yvonne Liebermann, Judith Rahn und Bettina Burger. Palgrave Macmillan, 211–233.
(2020) „Born Digital: The Black Lives Matter Movement and Memory after the Digital Turn.” Memory Studies, vol 14, no. 4, 713–732.
(2020) „Archives for the Anthropocene: Planetary Memory in Contemporary Global South Literature.“ LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory, vol. 31, no. 2, 146–164. [mit Birgit Neumann].
(2020) „Atonale Polyphonie, Intermedialität und Narration: Vielstimmigkeit, Stimmung und Unstimmigkeit im transkulturellen Roman.“ Polyphonie und Narration. Hgs. Silvan Moosmüller und Boris Previšić. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 123–138. [mit Birgit Neumann].
(2019) „The Productivity of Empathy Inhibition: The Ethics of Framing in Caryl Phillips’ The Lost Child.“ Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik, vol. 44, no. 1: 47–66.
(2019) „The Return of the ‘Real’ in Ali Smith’s Artful (2012) and How To Be Both (2014).“ European Journal of English Studies, vol. 23, Fact and Fiction in Contemporary Narratives. Hgs. Jan Alber und Alice Bell. 136–151.
(2019) „Music and Latency in Teju Cole’s Open City: Presences of the Past.“ ARIEL, vol. 50, no. 1: 31–62. [mit Birgit Neumann]
(2018) „Sprache, Übersetzung und Selbstübersetzung: Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o zwischen Lokalität und Transkulturalität.“ Literaturübersetzen zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Hgs. Vera Elisabeth Gerling and Belén Santana, Narr, 2018. 135–155. [mit Birgit Neumann].
(2017) „Re-Membering the Travelogue: Generic Intertextuality as a Memory Practice in Teju Cole’s Every Day is for the Thief.“ ZAA, vol. 65, no. 1, 2017. 67–83.
"Rhythm and Performative Punctuation in Bernardine Evaristo’s Girl, Woman, Other (2019)." Konferenzvortrag "Postcolonial Narrations Forum." 3–5 October, 2019, Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster.
"When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir: Mobilizing the Memoir to Re Member Black Lives as Grievable." Konferenzvortrag "Mnemonics 2019: Memory and Activism." 18-20 September, 2019, Utrecht University.
"'[T]he land's eclectic matter': The Memory of Space in Yvonne Owuor's Dust (2014)" Konferenzvortrag "Third Annual Memory Studies Association Conference." 25-28 June, 2019, Complutense University Madrid.
"When the Present Was Still the Future of the Past: Latent Memories in Colum McCann's Let the Great World Spin (2009)." Konferenzvortrag "Memories of the Future." 29-30 March, 2019, University of London.
"I Started a New Blog – The Khalil I Know" Memory in the Digital Age: Counter-Memories through Tumblr in Angie Thomas' The Hate U Give (2017) Konferenzvortrag "Mnemonics 2018 Ecologies of Memory." 22-24 August, 2018, Leuven University.
"'One Damn Thing After the Other': Exploring Notions of Literary Temporality in Ali Smith's How to Be Both" Konferenzvortrag "The Literary in Life: The Social, Affective and Experimental in Narratives across Media." 13-15 June, 2018, Tampere University
"Achieving Translocality through Jazz Music in Pauline Melville's Eat Labba and Drink Creek Water" Konferenzvortrag "On Whose Terms: Ten Years On…… Critical Negotiations in Black British Literature and the Arts" 22-23 March, 2018, Goldsmith University London.
"Opening up the Future for the Past: The Legacy of Postcolonial Memories in Alfonso Cuarón's Children of Men" Konferenzvortrag. 5th Postgraduate Forum 'Postcolonial Narrations': "Memory and Media: The Making of Postcolonial Histories." 5-7 October, 2017, University of Erfurt.