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Our teaching is dedicated to literary texts and other media from different places across the Anglophone world. We are committed to drawing attention to the marginalized and overlooked voices of postcolonial and transcultural writers. Due to our transcultural focus, the topics and courses we offer are both distinct and diverse, covering a wide range of cultures, genres and periods. We examine central cultural and literary topics such as memory and trauma, transculturality and cosmopolitanism, gender and sexuality, postcolonial justice and ethics, visuality and visibility, among others. Our section takes special interest in Australian digital studies, which puts issues of postcoloniality, migration, and the environment center stage, all of which are highly pertinent globally. We aim to attune students to pressing political, cultural and social issues and the complex ways in which these topics are negotiated in the realm of fiction.

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Our section closely cooperates with the Centre for Australian Studies (CAS). The CAS, currently comprising the universities of Cologne, Dusseldorf and Bonn, is an interdisciplinary network that is committed to the study and promotion of inter- and transdisciplinary research and teaching in the area of Australian Studies. It brings together perspectives from History, Geography, Linguistics, Literary and Cultural Studies as well as Biology and Anthropology to enable complex, context-sensitive understandings of particular issues in Australian culture and society viewed from these vantage points.


Our course, “Charting the Australian Fantastic: Ecocriticism, Migrant Fiction and Postcoloniality In Australian Speculative Fiction”, takes a look at various genres of the Fantastic and explores how they relate to and interact with the boundaries of a national literature, specifically, the localized Australian particularities that infuse writing from the continent with its unique inflections.

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