Detailed Page Mattila
- Contemporary Anglophone Literatures & Cultures
- Postcolonial Theory
- Affect Studies
- Life Writing
- Speculative Fiction
- Australian Literature
- East Asian Diasporic Writing & Orientalism
- Conception of an online Seminar on the topic "Australian Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Speculative Fiction", Erstellung eines Blogs, Praktische Förderung digitaler Kompetenzen der Studierenden (Digital Fellowship)
- PhD project on "Twenty-First Century Vibes: Stimmung in Contemporary Anglophone Literature"
- Mattila, Lucas and Anika Klose. "“Twice as Dangerous” – Faith, Justice and Violence in Jay Kristoff’s Empire of the Vampire" in Dissenting Beliefs: Heresy and Heterodoxy in Fantasy. Forthcoming.
- Mattila, Lucas. "Violent Vibes: Stimmung in Alan Baxter’s The Roo" Australian Studies Journal. Forthcoming.
- Mattila, Lucas and Bettina Burger. "'Connections light up across time and space': Detectives in the Magical Realist Web of Female Relationships in Catching Teller Crow". Journal of Science Fiction, Vol. 5, No. 2, May 2022, pp. 19-33.
- Burger, Bettina, Kern, David and Lucas Mattila. "Often Female, Always Australian, and Sometimes Queer – Gender and Sexuality in Australian Speculative Fiction". Gender Forum. Vol. 81, 2021, pp. 3-10.
- Mattila, Lucas. "Searching for the Broad Present: The Chronotope in Teju Cole’s Open City." Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Vol. 69, No. 2, 2021, pp. 371-391.
- Mattila, Lucas. "Serial Killing, Smiling Back and Why Participation Is Not Enough: Oyinkan Braithwaite’s My Sister the Serial Killer." Participation in Postcolonial Wor(l)ds. 01 Oct 2022, Heinrich-Heine University of Dusseldorf.
- Mattila, Lucas. “See You Outback – Stimmung and Violence in Alan Baxter’s The Roo.” Emerging Research in Australian Studies. 17 Sep 2022, Centre for Australian Studies.
- Mattila, Lucas. "Transcultural Burials: Fantasies of History in The Buried Giant." Once and Future Fantasies, 15 Jul. 2022, University of Glasgow.
- Mattila, Lucas. “Apocalyptic Hope in Jay Kristof’s Empire of the Vampire.” Finncon 2022, 09 Jul. 2022, Aalto University.
- Mattila, Lucas. ""Historiographic Metafiction in Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed Series" Das 18. Jahrhundert in Film und Populärkultur, 02 Oct. 2019, University of Bonn.
- Mattila, Lucas. "Unmasking the Native American Gothic in Sherman Alexie's Indian Killer." Unmasking Extremes on the Edge of Reality, 24 Jan. 2018, Heinrich-Heine University of Dusseldorf.