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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Birgit Neumann
Gebäude: 23.21
Etage/Raum: 02.078
+49 211 81-12205
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  • Post-Monolingual Anglophone Novels
  • Intermediality – Ekphrasis – Visuality in Anglophone Literatures
  • Anglophone World Literatures
  • Planetary Memory in Anglophone Literatures
  • Creoles in Anglophone Literatures – Vernacular Cosmopolitanism
  • Die Sichtbarkeit der Übersetzer:in: Zielsprache Deutsch
  • Baroque and Neo-Baroque Literatures: Intermedial Histories (with Helga Mitterbauer and Massimo Fussilo)
  • Intermediality – Ekphrasis – Visuality in Anglophone Literatures
  • Anglophone World Literatures: Post-monolingual Novels
  • Planetary Memory in Australian Fiction
  • Creoles in Anglophone Literatures – Vernacular Cosmopolitanism
  • Translation and Migration: Literature - Ethics - Politics
  • Die Sichtbarkeit der Übersetzer*in: Zielsprache Deutsch
  • (Neo-)Baroque Literatures: Comparative and Intermedial Perspectives

"Negotiating the Digital in Contemporary Anglophone Novels - 'Cure' and 'Poison' for Black Collectives?" (13. November 2024, VUB Brüssel)

"'Neatly Dismantled' Infrastructures in Speculative Fiction: The Pharmakon of the Anthropocene" Konferenz: Languages of the Anthropocene (18 – 20 Juni 2024, British School at Rome)

"LongStorySHORT: 'Imagining something new, something not informed by a colonial framework'" International Symposium: Decolonising Knowledge in the Humanities: Studying Minor Forms in African Cultures of Knowledge, Literature and the Arts (15. Dezember 2023, Accra)

"Speaking for Whom? Ekphrasis and Decolonisation in Katie Kitamura's Intimacies" (28. Oktober 2023, Universität Bern)

"Afterlives of Empire - Translating the Archive", Panel Debate (10. September 2023, HU Berlin)

"Spectral Multilingualism - Ghostly Presences in the Anglophone Archive" Konferenz: Translation and the Archive: Performance, Practice, Negotiation. (31. Mai - 1. Juni 2023, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf)

"Hate Speech: The Cultural Work of Literary Texts in the Digital Age - Why Slowness matters" (März 2023, Universität Lissabon)

"Negotiating Cultural Difference: The Power of Anglophone Literature" (Februar 2023, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge)

"Translation und Transformation europäischer Aufklärungsdiskurse in Olaudah Equianos 'The Interesting Narrative' - Ein (post-)kolonialer Double Bind?" (Februar 2023, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf)

"Contemporary Post-Monolingual Novels: Poetics, Modes of Reading and the Mediating Factor of Production " (September 2022, University of North Bengal, India)

"Re-Membering European Images in Contemporary Transcultural Fiction: 'Learning to See Otherwise" (September 2022, Trinity University Dublin)

"On Not Translating Africa: Jennifer Makumbi and the Production of World Literary Value" (Mai 2022, HU Berlin; Großbritannienzentrum)

"Re-Membering European Images in Postcolonial Literatures" (Mai 2022, King's College London, CHLEL Symposium)

"Neo-Baroque Aesthetics and Intermedial Configurations in Michael Ondaatje's Novels" (März 2022, University of Brussels)


Christina Slopek, "Plural Psychologies: Mental Illness in Anglo-African and African-diasporic Novels‟

Miriam Hinz, "Female, Black, and British: Citizenship and Cosmopolitanisms in Black British Literatures‟

Tasun Tidorchibe, "Revisiting Formalism from a West African Perspective: Konkomba Folktales Across Generations and Cultural Context"

Mareike Ilsemann, "Translations of Form in Anglophone World Literature‟

Paula Brauer, "Between Hope and Horror: The Refugee Camp in Literature‟


Lucas William Mattila, "Transcultural Memories in Contemporary Anglophone Literature – Reading for Atmospheres‟

Bettina Burger, "‘For me, fantasy is the most accurate way of describing reality’ – Global Fantasy Networks and Local Realities‟

Yvonne Liebermann, "Memory and Latency in Contemporary Anglophone Literature‟

Alexander F. Matschi, "Fictions of Transculturality: A Narratology of Motion for the Representation of Spatial Movement in Contemporary British Asian Fiction‟ (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)

Anna Beck, "Subjective Spaces - Spatial Subjectivities in Contemporary British Fiction" (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)

Externe Betreuung

P. J. Blount, "Legal Fictions: International Governance in the Work of Salman Rushdie" (Universität Luxemburg, abgeschlossen)

Maria Zirra, "Visual Verbal Mnemopoetics: Ekphrasis and Imagetext as Visual Memory in the Work of Seamus Heaney, Derek Walcott and Wopko Jensma" (Universität Stockholm, abgeschlossen)

Anja van de Pol-Tegge, "Belgische Literaturen in deutscher Übersetzung: Mehrsprachigkeit und Kulturtransfer (1945 bis zur Gegenwart)" (Universität Brüssel, abgeschlossen)

Sarianna Kankkunen, "Harassing Habitats. Experienced Space in Finnish Contemporary Fiction: A Study on Maarit Verronen" (Universität Helsinki, abgeschlossen)

Barbara Seidl, "Echoes of the Unspeakable: Writing Absence and Reading Emotions in 21st Century American Literature (Universität Wien, laufend)

  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
  • Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
  • The Danish Council for Independent Research 
  • Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
  • Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung/Austrian Science Fund
  • Deutscher Akademischer Auslandsdienst (DAAD)
  • Swedish Research Council / Joint Committee for Nordic Research Councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS)
  • The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
  • Research Foundation - Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek -Vlaanderen, FWO)
  • Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
  • Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel
  • FRIAS: Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies
  • Peer Reviews for a.o. De Gruyter (Narratologia); Brill, Routledge (Identities); Das 18. Jahrhundert, 18. Jahrhundert - Supplementa (Wallstein); Journal of Literary Theory; Gender & History; Contributions to the History of Concepts; Mosaic - A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature; On_Culture; Word & Image.
  • Gutachten für das GCSC für DoktorandInnen- und PostdoktorandInnen-Stipendien im Rahmen der Exzellenzinitiative
  • Scientific Committee des European Thematic Network ACUME "Interfacing Sciences, Literature and the Humanities" (Travelling Concepts, Metaphors and Narratives, 2011)
  • Deutscher Anglistenverband
  • Centre for Australian Studies
  • International Society for Intermedial Studies
  • German Association for the Study of British Cultures
  • Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts
  • European Narratology Network
  • Research Unit for Intercultural and Transcultural Studies, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
  • Associate Member of Research Network "Landscapes of Realism", The Leverhulme Trust, (2015-2020) 
  • Member of the Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg) "Materiality and Production", German Research Foundation, 2015-2016
  • European Thematic Network ACUME "Interfacing Sciences, Literature  and the Humanities" (2010-2011)